Intershoot was founded by Ryan Mills in 2004, initially selling on eBay and moving to a full e-commerce website in 2006. As of 2024 we import goods from manufacturers and suppliers in 17 different countries, and have customers all over the world. Ryan manages the website sales and the warehouse in Omagh
Target shooting since 1993, Ryan represented Northern Ireland cadets in fullbore rifle from 1994, and was part of the UK Army Cadet Rifle Team which toured Canada in 1995. A switch to smallbore rifle followed in the late 90s
Sam manages the firearms and ammunition business, Intershoot Firearms Ltd. He is also Walther & Meyton trained so can work on and service their equipment. Sam manages the retail store in Donaghmore, and he has added a fully electronic 50m and 10m range to the facility
Sam has been shooting smallbore rifle since 1988, starting in the Royal School Dungannon and has represented Northern Ireland up to Commonwealth Games level.
Gary handles the Meyton sales / installations and helps run the retail store in Donaghmore – Gary is also Walther & Meyton trained and an electrical engineer by trade
Gary is a former Olympian, and Northern Ireland’s most decorated smallbore shooter. He draws on a wealth of experience gained over decades of shooting.
Intershoot Ltd and Intershoot Firearms Ltd are companies registered in the UK at Companies House